Saturday, July 23, 2011

91 killed in Norway

Well. 91 people were murdered in Norway, nearly all of them teenagers at a summer camp. The death toll keeps rising. It's a bit of a relief that the killer was a Norwegian. A right-wing extremist. On the radio, they described him as an "ethnic Norwegian", so we'd know he wasn't a Muslim who had Norwegian citizenship.

Nope. He was Norwegian, all right.

I read the Zionist Meyer Levin's novel, Compulsion, about the Leopold and Loeb case. Leopold & Loeb were two rich Jewish teenagers, 18- and 19-years-old in 1924 when they kidnapped and murdered a 14-year-old neighbor named Robert Franks. Franks was a distant cousin of Loeb's. They kidnapped him, killed him, poured acid on his body and stuffed it in a culvert under a railroad in a remote area in Chicago. Then they demanded a modest $10,000 ransom from Franks' wealthy father. They did it for the thrill of committing "the perfect crime".

If Leopold and Loeb had been morons, they probably could have pulled it off. But they were hyper intelligent, both college graduates at that age. They botched the crime so badly that mental illness was thought to have played a role.

I bring this up because the Jewish father of a character in the book---the character who was supposed to represent Levin himself---is (sort of) relieved that Leopold & Loeb picked a Jewish victim. He thought it might have triggered a wave of anti-Semitism if two Jewish killers had murdered a Christian child in 1924.

After the Oklahoma City bombing, before Timothy McVeigh was discovered to be the bomber, commentators were blaming it on Arabs. One scumbag went on the news and announced that trying to kill a large number of people was "a Middle Eastern trait."

It turned out to be an American trait, as many middle easterners can tell you. More specifically, a mid-western trait.

In Israel, a family of Jewish settlers was killed. They had hired some workers to do some work, then refused to pay them. The workers threatened them. And, some time later, the deadbeats were killed. The obvious suspects in the case were not Palestinian, but, naturally, the Jews have decided to blame the Palestinians.

Palestinian families have been wiped out. In one case, a mother and her children were killed by one of God's Chosen snipers in Gaza. Don't waste any sympathy on Zionists.

I remember the years listing to the Jews whining about "saving Soviet Jewry". The Soviet Union didn't have open emigration. The same Jews who carried on about people's right to leave their own country have now imprisoned the people of Gaza. No one can come or go.

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