Monday, June 27, 2011

Book Review - Cosmic Conspiracy

About the Book
Patricia McLaine’s Cosmic Conspiracy explores the common humanity that we all share as members of the Universe or Multiverse, which intricately connects us all. It is a result of the intense emotion generated within the “Mass Mind” that psychics, “regardless of the level of awareness or education” are far more in tune with—picking up negative patterns then positive ones—in predicting future world events.

When asked by journalist Hal Jacques to make world predictions for The Star in January of 1977, McLaine made startlingly acute predictions: (1) The wife of King Hussein of Jordan was going to die in a plane crash; (2) Two jumbo jets were going to collide at an airport with disastrous results and tremendous loss of life.”  Jacques did not work for The Star and McLaine was not paid for her predictions; however, they stand as a testament to the acute power of McLaine to make world predictions, which she continues to do on her website to this day, all startlingly accurate and in tune with the universe.  While these predictions were never published, they highlight the efficacy of “purposeful intention combined with focused attention” and the ability to tap into the Mass Mind to which every member of the human race is connected.

McLaine illuminates that the Mass Mind is the collective thought process of humanity, of which all of us are a part: “We are all part of one organic whole, regardless of color, race, gender, economic standard, educational attainment, political preference, or religious persuasion.”  She offers an important lesson in explaining the Multiverse and Mass Mind: “Everyone on this planet is a member of the human race, emotionally connected to the vital soul of the planet.”

Although her chapter revealing the predictions that she has made through tuning into the Multiverse is certainly compelling and a true testimony to her talent, the underlying message it offers is of paramount importance. McLaine’s assertion that we are all members of the human race and are emotionally connected to the vital soul of the planet, offers readers an evocative message.  Cosmic Conspiracy provides us with both the uniquely riveting story of Patricia McLaine’s life and deep and powerful lessons and messages about the universe and humanity.

My Take on the Book
In this book you are taken into the mind and experiences of a well known psychic. What was interesting within this book was that the author was able to hobnob as well as work with many of the important people in the movie business back in her day. Each day and experience shared drew me deeper into the lives of these people and made me want to be a fly on the wall in many of her experiences. From being a bouncer for calls to being on television shows about her readings, this book had it all.

The book was engaging and was a very easy read. I really enjoyed the light tone and it was like I was sitting in the room with the author as I read through her experiences. You truly get to live the experiences that she had through the rich description and narrative that she shares. This was a book that will open your eyes and your mind to the possibilities that exist. The book will make you think, but also laugh in many places. Overall though this was a great book and one that I would recommend!

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