Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wayne Rooney vice girl Helen Wood tells of £195 sex session with married actor

Wayne Rooney vice girl Helen Wood tells of £195 sex session with married actor

The prostitute who had a threesome with Wayne Rooney revealed last night that the leading actor she slept with ‘kissed like a virgin’.

Helen Wood said the married star paid £195 for the hour-long liaison and turned up without his wedding ring on.

The 23-year-old single mother performed a massage on him after he got out of the shower before she 'moved down'.

Vice girl Helen Wood who had a sexual relationship with a world famous married actor
Prostitute Helen Wood, wearing a tight fitting pink dress and sunglasses, at Aintree Racecourse in Liverpool

Escort: Helen Wood says she had a sexual relationship with a married actor

The celebrity is battling to hush up the scandal and has already won a High Court gagging order to keep his identity secret.

But yesterday a judge lifted part of the order to allow vice girl Helen Wood to be named.
Miss Wood told The Sun that the actor – who is a married father – was a ‘disgusting kisser’ and claimed he said he would ‘prefer not to say’ if he had a wife during their meeting.

He booked the liaison using the false name ‘Drew’.



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She said: 'I asked him what he was doing here and he said he was an actor. That's when it dawned on me and I thought, “Oh my God, I recognise him.” '

She added: 'He came out of the shower naked. I asked him if he wanted a massage and I gave him one. He turned over and he was a disgusting kisser. He kissed like a virgin.'

He then had another shower and left without leaving a tip, recommending a good local restaurant on his way out, she claimed.

The £1,200-a-night vice girls: Jennifer Thompson (left) and Helen Wood, who were involved in the Wayne Rooney scandal. Wood is now linked to another famous name

The £1,200-a-night vice girls: Jennifer Thompson (left) and Helen Wood, who were involved in the Wayne Rooney scandal. Wood is linked to another famous name


The alleged sex session happened months before Miss Wood – who has a seven-year-old son – slept with Wayne Rooney.

England star Wayne Rooney had a threesome with vice girl Helen Wood and her friend Jennifer Thompson

England star Wayne Rooney had a threesome with vice girl Helen Wood and her friend Jennifer Thompson

She claimed last year she took part in a seedy liaison with the England footballer at a five-star hotel in Manchester while his wife Coleen was pregnant.

She told how the England and Manchester United striker paid £1,200 for a night with her and her 21-year-old friend Jennifer 'Juci Jeni' Thompson.

Both girls also issued public apologies to Rooney's wife Coleen, who was five months pregnant with their son Kai at the time of the encounter.

The name of the actor cannot be revealed under the terms of the order, but he is married and a father. He obtained an injunction after fearing a newspaper was about to publish Miss Wood's claims.

Last night friends of Miss Wood, of Bolton, claimed her relationship with the actor was well known.

Jenna Hughes, 24, a former nightclub friend, said: 'It has been common knowledge up here for a while now and it really doesn't come as a surprise to us.'

A friend named only as Hayley said: 'The blokes she has these flings with should really know better. She is the ultimate kiss-and-tell, and people in the public eye should watch their back. More fool them, I say.'

In an emergency hearing in private on Saturday, Mr Justice Blake granted an injunction making it a criminal offence to publish details of her claims.

Yesterday at a further hearing, Mr Justice King varied the order so that although the actor – referred to only as NEJ – must remain anonymous, Miss Wood can be named.

He ruled newspapers could report 'the fact that the defendant [Miss Wood] had a sexual relationship with a leading actor and/or world famous celebrity who is married and a father and the defendant's account of that relationship'.

Jennifer Thompson (left) and Helen Wood in Manchester last year

Jennifer Thompson (left) and Helen Wood in Manchester last year

But the judge continued the gagging order forbidding identification of the actor until a full trial of his claim against Miss Wood. Neither the star nor the prostitute was in court.
Last year, after Miss Wood's night with Rooney, her father Dr Stephen Wood, a university music lecturer, said he was 'desperately sorry' for his daughter's actions.

Unnamed: Vice girl had sex with a leading married actor but she has been gagged from revealing who he is

Unnamed: Vice girl Helen Wood had sex with a married actor but she has been gagged from revealing who he is

He admitted that her life had careered off the rails while she was in her teens. He and his ex-wife Mary, a teacher, raised her in a £300,000 bungalow in a sought-after area of Bolton.

But he then became estranged from his daughter, who had a baby at 16 by a 17-year-old electrician.

Miss Wood sold her 'kiss and tell' story about Rooney to a Sunday newspaper last September.

Yesterday she could not be contacted for comment.

The growth of gagging orders has caused public outrage. MPs have spoken in the Commons about the threat to the freedom of speech.

The orders are based on human rights law intended to protect the right to privacy and family life, but critics say they have been hijacked by highly paid lawyers to hush up scandals involving rich clients.


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