Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gaddafi's son Saif's £11m mansion: Squatters enjoy plush surroundings

Gaddafi's son Saif's £11m mansion: Squatters enjoy plush surroundings

They claim to have occupied his £12million mansion in solidarity with rebels trying to oust Colonel Gaddafi.

But while civil war raged in Libya, squatters in the opulent property owned by the dictator’s family were more interested in enjoying the Jacuzzi.

A protest insider told the Daily Mail the alcohol-fuelled squatters plunged into a swimming pool, hot tub and sauna at the luxurious home in Hampstead, North London.

Flying the flag: Libyan exiles moved in on the heels of the squatters, saying they are keeping the mansion in trust for their countrymen

Flying the flag: Libyan exiles moved in on the heels of the squatters, saying they are keeping the mansion in trust for their countrymen

Proud: Two members of the group pose with the Libyan flag, while others have been unfurled in various rooms across the home

Proud: Two members of the group pose with the Libyan flag, while others have been unfurled in various rooms across the home

Time for a nap: One squatter sleeps on a white sofa as another displays the flag in the modernist lounge at the property bought for Saif in 2009 through an offshore company

Time for a nap: One squatter sleeps on a white sofa as another displays the flag in the modernist lounge at the property bought for Saif in 2009 through an offshore company

The man, who asked not to be named, said: ‘It all got a bit messy on the first night, because people were so excited to be in a house like that. It is just utter, utter luxury.

‘They were drinking and smoking and there was a real party atmosphere. People were in the swimming pool and the Jacuzzi, which were ice cold, and then going into the sauna to warm up.’




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The Topple the Tyrants protest group took over the mansion belonging to Gaddafi’s son Saif on Wednesday night and have dubbed it ‘the embassy of rebel Libya’.

Photographs taken inside the house showed the group posing with the Libyan flag as they sprawled across designer furniture, with widescreen television screens in every room.

Luxury: One of the bedrooms inside the home, which also includes widescreen TVs in every room and underfloor heating throughout

Luxury: One of the bedrooms inside the home, which also includes widescreen TVs in every room and underfloor heating throughout

Keeping up to date: The home cinema screen is tuned into the news

Keeping up to date: The home cinema screen is tuned into the news


Be my guest: The squatters have made full use of the facilities, including the swimming pool

Be my guest: The squatters have made full use of the facilities, including the swimming pool


Sleeping tight: Another of the eight bedrooms in the luxury mansion

Sleeping tight: Another of the eight bedrooms in the luxury mansion

More than 20 people are said to be in the eight-bedroom house, including several ‘serial squatters’ who took over a townhouse owned by film director Guy Ritchie.

A viral text message was sent to hundreds of mobile phones giving the address of the neo-Georgian house in Hampstead Garden Suburb.

Insiders said the mood of the protest changed as the squatters were joined by Libyan exiles.

One told the Mail: ‘At first it was a mix of hippy activists, international students and anarchist-types who had obviously done this before – they knew the law and what to do.

‘There was quite a party atmosphere, but then the leaders started setting out rules, saying there should be no drinking, no excess, and that we should only light candles, or we could be charged with stealing electricity.

‘As the night went on, more Libyans started arriving, and the atmosphere changed. They were saying we needed to keep the house in trust for the Libyan people.’


Locked out: Saif Gaddafi lived in London when he was a PhD student at the London School of Economics

Locked out: Saif Gaddafi lived in London when he was a PhD student at the London School of Economics

Occupied: Squatters unfurl a banner on the roof of the £11million property which was on the market until last month

Occupied: Squatters unfurl a banner on the roof of the £11m property which was on the market until last month


Yesterday several Libyans gave an impromptu press conference.

Belkazem Alghiryani, 34, an exile from Benghazi, said: ‘We are here to protest, we are not here to have a party. There are six million people in Libya and this is their house.

‘We will not leave until we give this house back to the Libyan people.’

The Government has seized more than £300million in assets belonging to the Gaddafi family since the crisis in Libya began.

Saif, 38, lived in London when he was a PhD student at the London School of Economics, and the house was bought for him in 2009 mortgage-free through a holding company registered in the British Virgin Islands.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said the protest was a civil matter and there had been no arrests.

Neighbour Geoffrey Bernstein, 58, said: ‘I don’t support breaking into people’s houses, but in this case I’m prepared to make an exception.’

Squatting: A group of three men stand outside the Hampsted home of Saif Gaddafi ahead of the break in

Squatting: A group of three men stand outside the Hampsted home of Saif Gaddafi ahead of the break in

Stealing in: One of the protesters clambers into the multi-million pound home
Rooftop protest: One of the protesters holds a football aloft as he stands by the banner demanding Gaddafi and his assets should get out of London

Demo: The squatters clambered in through the window, and then unfurled a banner on the roof


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