Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rapper T-Pain gets Facebook inspired tattoo

T-Pain is famous for his exuberance as well as his musical talent. His 2008 collaboration with Kanye West – Good Life – won him a Grammy. He’s never been shy of being looked at by the crowds. And he proves it once more with his new tattoo. The new tattoo also shows the influence of the social networking Facebook. The tattoo say You Don’t Have to Like Me with the "Like" in a Facebook style inked on his arm.

The artist commented on Twitter - "I get a tatt every time I come to Hawaii," and then realism kicks in and he says "I think this one is pretty sweet, unless facebook shuts down soon." Does it mean he will get more friends on Facebook now? Probably so!

The tattoo reads: "You Don’t Have To Like Me" and shows an image of Facebook’s "Like" button.

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