Thursday, September 30, 2010

Orçamento, tattoo no pé

"Boa tarde, meu nome é Bianca tenho 22 anos e estava pesquisando na Internet alguns desenhos e valores de tattoo no pé, pois tenho interesse em fazer uma, vi num site uma tatoo e gostaria de saber em média quanto custaria uma tatuagem nesse estilo."


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Orçamento, tattoo de coração no genital

"Estou querendo fazer uma destas três tatuagens, gostaria de saber se vocês fazem e por quanto fariam. Cerca de dois anos atrás, eu iria fazer, mas desanimei quando aumentaram o preço exponencialmente quando falei que queria e ainda quero no genital.

Gostaria de saber se vocês fazem e por quanto fica essa tatuagem no genital. Obrigado, aguardo retorno imediato, antes que eu perca a coragem de fazer novamente."



Orçamento da tattoo Fênix

"Bom dia Srs.

Estou muito interessada em fazer uma tatoo, é uma fênix que eu vi no site.
Eu gostaria que ela tivesse no máximo 12 cm isso é possível?
Em média qual o valor?"


Orçamento, dragão nas costas

"Gostaria do orçamento desta tattoo, formas de pagamento etc. No lugar das libélulas seriam sakuras e o dragão olhando para frente

Local: perna
Dimenção: 30 cm altura x 15 lcm argura
Obs: Tattoo colorida"


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Novo Uno EVO 1.4

Vejam O Resultado De Alguns Testes Do Novo Uno EVO 1.4

Apesar de não ter gostado muito do design do novo modelo do uno, não tenha nada a criticar sobre o consumo do carro. Isso porque, tenho alguns colegas que adquiriram o carro e me falaram que, tanto o modelo antigo quanto o novo estão consumindo praticamente a mesma coisa.

Vale Ressaltar que, como eu destaquei "praticamente" ele não é igual o milagroso uno mile. Segundo relato de alguns proprietários do modelo antigo basta passar com o carro perto de um posto de gasolina que o mesmo anda, ou seja nem precisava abastecer de verdade rsrsrsr.

Mas sem delonga vamos voltar a falar do novo uno e seu desempenho nas pistas.

Desempenho: O motor flex de 88 cv com álcool deixa a desejar em baixa rotação, mas sua retomada chega a ser interessante, realmente o carro faz o que promete, ele é voltado para a cidade.

Console: Os botões são bem distribuídos e fáceis de manusear, o que falta é abertura de janelas nas portas. Como já foi dito o cambio mais elevado também é um ponto positivo pra ele.

Conforto (6) : Para um popular, possui bancos confortáveis, mas a posição para dirigi-lo deixa a desejar assim como o elevado valor pela aquisição do ar condicionado.

Estabilidade : Mesmo andando dentro da cidade já é perceptível que o vento é um vilão, mas sua suspensão se comporta muito bem durante frenagens, não deixando que o carro incline demais.

Acabamento: Muito bom para um carro popular, o plástico texturizado do painel e o estofado dos bancos foram muito bem escolhidos, apenas os botões do console aparentam ser frágeis.

Visual (8) : O interior está realmente muito chamativo, mas por fora seu visual apesar de moderno não é muito harmônico. Contando também a ausência de rodas de liga leve.

Consumo: Apesar de continuar gastando pouco seu modelo antigo era com certeza mais econômico, hoje mantém a marca dos melhores em consumo, mas perdeu seu 1º lugar.

Custo / Benefício : Caso queira pegar um carro "pelado" (sem acessórios), continua sendo um ótima opção, mas conforme colocamos os opcionais o preço do modelo sobe muito, ao ponto de comprar carros de melhor qualidade com vários dos itens vindos de série.

Ficha Técnica do carro testado:

Nome: Uno 1.4 Evo
Motor: 1.4 Evo
Potência (cv): 85 (g) / 88 (e)
Torque(kgf.m): 12,4(g) / 12,5 (e)
Câmbio: 5 marchas
Tração: Dianteira
Freios: Disco sólido na dianteira
Tambor na traseira
Direção: Hidráulica
Peso: 925kg
Porta malas: 285 litros
Tanque: 48 litros
0 - 100: 11,5 seg
Máxima: 172 km/h
Consumo(km/l): 9,1 / 12,2
Preço: R$ 36.821,00

via: Garagem GTI

Orçamento, Breathe Tattoo

eu quero fazer uma tatuagem como esta da foto, no pulso esquerdo, só que eu quero um pouco menor.
Tem como me informarem o preço?
Aguardo uma resposta.



Teenage Paparazzo

I read a column in an old Popular Photography magazine. The columnist received a letter from an insurance salesman who owned a camera and decided to be a photojournalist. He wanted to go on assignment somewhere exotic. He asked where to sign up and how much he would be paid.

Even educated people thought they could just pick up their cameras, head for a war zone and be professional photojournalists.

Well. Turns out the idiots were right. It doesn't take years of experience to be a highly paid professional photographer. All it takes is a camera.

There's a documentary made by Adrian Grenier called Teenage Paparazzo about a kid named Austin Visschedyk. It focuses on Austin even though he had a friend, Blaine, who's also a teenage paparazzo but isn't quite as cute. The two boys run around LA with the grown-up paparazzi---one of them with a $3,000 camera his father bought him for that purpose. The little bastards make $500 to $1,000 per picture.

Austin became a bit of a celebrity himself---the subject of the documentary, for one thing. Both boys have websites which have a little "TM" after their names. They are now registered trademarks.

From a review by Chris Knight:

...the film gets most interesting when Austin, inebriated by all the attention, gets weirder, taking on the mannerisms of the pampered stars he follows. Grenier arrives with his camera crew one day to find Austin with his friend Blaine, whose dad is making his own movie. "Who are you with?" he asks another photographer. "Teen Vogue," the guy answers, doing a shoot about Blaine's dad's shoot.

Trying to rein in this pint-sized media monster, Grenier takes advice from Whoopi Goldberg, who suggests that, if Austin doesn't become the next Annie Leibovitz, his fame will fade the minute his voice changes. Maybe the boy can be steered toward an interest in serious photojournalism?

No luck. When Austin is shown the Pulitzer Prize-winning photo from the 1970 Kent State shootings -- of a girl screaming and kneeling over the body of a dead protester -- he shrugs and looks away. Not dramatic enough. Grenier, aghast, looks like a modern Prometheus.

There's something horrible about rich kids in Hollywood. I saw one of them on an MTV show called Cribs. The show has camera crews visit celebrities in their homes. And their homes are all pretty much alike. Everything they have is new. It's pretty much interchangeable. They could trade houses and no one would notice. And they all had the same cars---a gray BMW and the biggest, ugliest black SUV they could find.

The kid actor on Cribs---I think he was an undersized teenager who could pass for a 12-year-old---had appeared on that candid camera show Ashton Kutcher did, and was later cast in a short-lived sit-com. Looking at the kid's house, you could see his family was rich. They weren't living on the kid's money. It made me wonder what motivated this tasteless, bourgeois family to get their child on TV.

The idea of poor single mothers driving their children to auditions never bothered me. I'm all for it. But I can't understand these bourgeois parents. One look at their house and you can see that they don't have the slightest creative impulse.

In the case the the teenage paparazzi, you have rich parents spending thousands of dollars promoting their kids' efforts, which would probably be fine if they weren't doing something sleazy.

Austin Visschedyk is no Doogie Howser. All he has is a willingness to harass people with his camera and parents who let him do it. It doesn't say much for them. Or for the other paparazzi who aren't doing anything a seventh grader couldn't do just as well.

Chevrolet Camaro 2002

Chevrolet Camaro 2002 Manual do Proprietário

Chevrolet Camaro 2002 Owner's Manual

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BMW 318ti 1995-1999

BMW 318ti 1995-1999 Resolução de Problemas Manual Eletrônico - ETM

BMW 318Ti 1995 - 1999 Electronic Troubleshooting Manual - ETM

Introduction, symbols, Power Distribution Chart, Fuse Chart, Ground Distribution, Slip Control, Power Mirrors, Power Seats, Heated Seats, Electric Folding sunroof, and more.

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Elfin cars pictures

elfin t5
Elfin Stream liner
Elfin Stream

Monday, September 27, 2010

Jaguar XE Roadster 2011

Jaguar XE Roadster 2011 - sucessor do lendário E-Type

2011 Jaguar XE Roadster – successor to the legendary E-Type

Muitas pessoas estavam preocupadas com o futuro da Jaguar, quando a Tata Motors comprou da Ford. Tendo em vista o novo luxo XJ amamos Jag onde está indo e não pode esperar para ver o que está próximo para a Jaguar.

De acordo com a Autobild, Jaguar muito provavelmente apresentar o sucessor do lendário E-Type de 2011 em Frankfurt Motor Show.

Chamado XE Roadster vai sair contra o SLK Mercedes-Benz, BMW Z4 e Porsche Boxster.

Jaguar chefe Mike O'Driscoll Autobild disse: "Nós temos um grande desejo de construir este carro." O XE continuará o novo design da linha com um

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Miley Cyrus on “21 under 21″ list‎

Miley CyrusBillboard Magazine have revealed their top 21 musicians under 21 years of age.

They’re young, they’re on a white-hot winning streak, and most importantly, they’re just getting started: These are’s “21 Under 21,” selected not only for their tender age but also for their potential to rule the pop culture zeitgeist over the next 12 months.

Whether it’s a country star whose every song lyric demands hours of analysis (Is she singing about Joe, Taylor or Kanye?!), a beloved breakout character on TV’s hottest high school musical, or a newcomer who landed a record deal on the strength of one Lady Gaga cover – here are the top 10 of Billboard Magazine’s top 21 under 21.

10. Miley Cyrus.

9. Greyson Chance

8. Demi Lovato

7. Williow Smith

6. Nick Jonas

5. Soulja Boy

4. Charice

3. Selena Gomez

2. Justin Bieber

1. Taylor Swift

What do you think of the top 10? Who is favourite musician under 21? Leave us a comment.

Orçamento, tattoo alfabeto

estou querendo fazer uma nova tattoo, segue o desenho. Gostaria de saber mais ou menos o valor?
Sobre o tamanho, gostaria que fosse mais ou menos 20 cm.
Aguardo retorno."


Paris Hilton barred from Japan

I was generally on Paris Hilton's side during her ordeal in the county jail. A few people made fun of her for having a GED instead of a high school diploma, an insult to all those with GEDs, and an insult to the quarter of all high school graduates who can't pass the test for a GED.

But I had mixed feelings. I hate drunks, drunk drivers and, generally, rich people. Wasn't Paris laughing as one of her rich scumbag friends denounced one of their movie star friends for being "poor" because she only had a few million dollars? And what was the thing about her using racial slurs?

The sex tape wasn't her fault. She turned lemons into lemonade. She parlayed her degradation into a Hollywood career of sorts.

Now Paris has pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of possessing .8 of a gram of cocaine and "obstructing an officer", whatever that means. She got one year probation, a $2,000 fine, 200 hours of community service and she has to complete a drug treatment program.

The judge told her that "Any new arrests terminate your criminal probation and you will serve a one year sentence."

As a convicted drug offender, she was barred from entering Japan. This put an end to her Asian tour to promote her line of clothing, or perfume or whatever the hell it was she was promoting a line of.

Anthony Papa wrote on

...Now I suggest because of this and her recent arrest she follows up with her thoughts back when she was released in 2007. Back then, fresh out of jail, Paris wanted to be an advocate and find meaning in her life. On the Larry King Show she was asked if she was planning to help others. Paris responded and said "That's something I was actually thinking a lot about in jail. I feel like, you know, being in the spotlight, I have a platform where I can raise awareness for so many great causes, and just do so much with this, instead of, you know, superficial things like going out. I want to help raise money for kids, breast cancer and multiple sclerosis." Those thoughts were soon forgotten.

But now because of her probation and her apparent drug use she was sentenced to two hundred hours of community service. I suggest that Paris Hilton now speak out and become an advocate for reforming our draconian drug laws. Think of how many lives she could save by speaking out for treatment instead of imprisonment. We would welcome her to our movement.

That's much better than my suggestion.

I was going to say that Paris should stop trying to steal work from needy actresses and use her wealth to produce and star in a series of shameless vanity projects. I would suggest a series of biopics. Paris Hilton as Zsa Zsa Gabor. Paris Hilton as Lana Turner. Paris Hilton as Marilyn Monroe. Paris Hilton as Jean Harlow.

Then do some intellectual roles. Paris Hilton as Ayn Rand. Paris Hilton as Madame Curie. Paris Hilton as...well. You get the idea.

And I'm not suggesting that Ayn Rand was an intellectual.

All Paris needs is money. Pay a few writers and actors, bring in a camera crew.

She would make the world a better place.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Party Wear Chaniya Choli Dress For Girls

Party Wear Chaniya Choli Dress For Girls
Party Wear Chaniya Choli Dress For Girls
Indian Model posing in Party wear Designer Chaniya Choli Dress (Indian Ethnic Wear)


A picture is the expression of an impression. If the beautiful were not in us, how would we ever recognize it?
~ Ernst Haas

An artist is someone who produces things that people don't need to have but that he - for some reason - thinks it would be a good idea to give them.
~ Andy Warhol

Working in film is like making love to a gorilla. You don't stop when you want to stop; you stop when the gorilla wants to stop.
~ David Janssen

No good opera plot can be sensible:... people do not sing when they are feeling sensible.
~ W.H. Auden, Time, 29 December 1961

Designer Saree Blouse

Designer Saree Blouse
Designer Saree Blouse
Photoshop digital art of Indian Female Model posing in Designer Saree Blouse. For latest sari blouse designs and blouse neck patterns visit 'Designer Saree Blog'


The buttocks are the most aesthetically pleasing part of the body because they are non-functional. Although they conceal an essential orifice, these pointless globes are as near as the human form can ever come to abstract art.
~ Kenneth Tynan

Everyone criticizes the movies. Yet everyone seems to continue to go to them.
~ James M. Gillis

God and other artists are always a little obscure.
~ Oscar Wilde

They ought to put out the eyes of painters as they do goldfinches in order that they can sing better.
~ Pablo Picasso

BMW E24 1983-1989

BMW E24 1983-1989 Resolução de Problemas Manual Eletrônico - ETM

BMW E24 1983 - 1989 Electronic Troubleshooting Manual - ETM

Para 1983 - 1989 BMW 633CSi, 635Csi, L6 / M6


Friday, September 24, 2010

Miley filming a commercial in LA

 Miley filming a commercial in LAMiley filming a commercial in Los Angeles on September 16.

There’s also going to be a new episode of Hannah Montana Forever airing on October 3rd called Hannah’s Gonna Get This with special guest star Iyaz, here’s the description.

“After a bad case of writer’s block, Miley finally comes up with a song for the new Hannah Montana album, a tune that gets mixed reactions from her record label. She starts to doubt herself until popular recording artist Iyaz overhears it and wants to record it as a duet. Meanwhile, Jackson and Rico compete over who can grow a better moustache.”

Tags:Miley Cyrus, Miley Cyrus Gossips, Miley Cyrus Pics, Miley Cyrus wallpapers, Miley Cyrus news,.

Miley Out with Braison

Miley Out with BraisonMiley out to lunch with her brother Braison! Enjoy!
Miley Out with Braison2
Miley Out with Braison1

Tags:Miley Cyrus, Miley Cyrus wallpapers,Miley Cyrus News,Miley Cyrus Images,Miley Cyrus Gallery,Miley CyrusSexy pictures,Miley Cyrus boobs,Miley Cyrus songs.

Miley Cyrus in Flowy Dress & Platform Hills at LA

Miley Cyrus was spotted strolling around Los Angeles, California on September 23rd in a flowy dress and tall platform heels. What do you think of Miley’s outfit?

Miley recently posted a video for her “fans” in which she gets defensive about a number of rumors that are flying around about her. We wish if she was going to make a video she would make one really thanking her fans for their support rather than attacking the media
Tags:Miley Cyrus, Miley Cyrus images, Miley Cyrus wallpapers, ,Miley Cyrus news,Miley Style,Miley Boobjob,Milet Boy friend.

Miley Talks Abt Marraige and Boobjob

Miley Talks Abt Marraige and BoobjobMiley Cyrus has posted a 10-minute video on YouTube ranting about the number of false rumours about her.

The Hannah Montana actress uses the clip to address a series of tabloid reports - including claims she's to tie the knot with Last Song co-star Liam Hemsworth, 20. 'No, I'm not engaged,' says Miley, 17. 'No, I'm not getting married anytime soon.

'Miley doesn't need to do anything but sit and chill and make music that I love, and make art that means something to me. 'I'm way too driven right now... I'm 17! I've got so much work to do. No way.' Miley also tackles reports she's living with Liam and that she's having plastic surgery. 'I'm not living with anybody!' she adds. 'I think that rumour's been going on ever since I got my very first boyfriend ever.

'I live at home...I still live at home with my mum, my dad, my family. No one's here with us!

'And no, I don't want a boob job.'
Tags:Miley Cyrus, Miley Cyrus Gossips, Miley Cyrus images, Miley Cyrus news, Miley Cyrus Pics, Miley Cyrus wallpapers,

The most expensive tatoo in the world

South African model Minki van der Westhuizen spend 8 hours getting this tattoo done on her back and it's made of 612 diamonds. Each Shimansky diamond has been attached on her skin using waterbased glue.

This is the most expensive tattoo in the world and is etimated at 7,2 million SAR or 924,000 USD. This is a new fashion but few women will be able to afford it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Indian Model in Printed Salwar Kameez Dress

Indian Model in Printed Salwar Kameez Dress
Indian Model in Printed Salwar Kameez Dress
Indian Female Model posing in Designer Printed Salwar Kameez Dress


He paints for the blind, and we are the blind, and he lets us see for sure what we saw long ago but weren't sure we saw. He paints for the dead, to remind us that - great good God, think of it - we're alive ...
~ William Saroyan

Pictures are for entertainment, messages should be delivered by Western Union.
~ Samuel Goldwyn

For me, painting is a way to forget life. It is a cry in the night, a strangled laugh.
~ Georges Rouault

Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.
~ Edmund Burke

Hawaii Five-0 stinks

Okay, so I watched the new Hawaii Five-O. My God, it was bad. Steve McGarrett and Dan Williams both talking in phony New Jersey accents. The sounded like John Travolta in his early, moronic roles. Do they think that sounds naturalistic?

I've never seen Hawaii look uglier than it did on that show. They apparently screwed around with the color and contrast. They must have thought they were making it look cinematic. Like the old soap operas where they would make everything brown because they thought it made it look more expensive.

Here's a shot from the show to give you an idea what they did to it:

Now, look at these two. If they knocked on your door and told you they were police, and said it in phony, moronic accents, would you say, "What seems to be the trouble, officers?" or would you lock the door?

What the hell is wrong with Steve McGarrett's arms?

I changed the channel and watched something else in the middle of it, so I missed the part where, according to one review, they question a suspect and hit him with an ashtray, threaten to deport his family to Rwanda and make some sort of quip about his seven-year-old child being forced to fight in a militia. Some of that wonderful humor admirers of the pilot were talking about.

I watched it because the REAL Hawaii Five-O was a pretty good show.

It makes me wonder---the network decided not to go with the new Rockford Files. They were disappointed by the pilot. Which means, what? It wasn't enough like this crap?

Kia Sorento Pacote Sport

Imagem Kia Sorento modelos SUV com um pacote novo esporte.

Sorento 2011 Sport Package, entre outras coisas, que se caracteriza por um pára-choques dianteiro e spoiler diferente, mudou a grade dianteira, caixa escura da frente e um novo conjunto de rodas de alumínio brilhante.

As mudanças esperadas no interior, mas os detalhes só seguir.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Miley Declares 'I'm just like y'all!' ‎ Via Youtube

Miley cyrus
Without her Twitter, rumors this summer ran rampant, so finally the raspy voiced teen star filmed a video to set things straight and update her fans on her busy teen life.

Miley introduced fans to her new rescue dog (point 1 for Miley), joked about gaining weight on vacation (point 2 for Miley), and really did her part to come across as a normal teen girl wanting to live a normal teen life, even if that life includes an immaculately decorated, NYC studio apartment-sized shoe closet. It was great to see her acknowledge that she needed to go take a math quiz — even if she was procrastinating said math quiz to make a video. (Miley Cyrus stalling on math homework — I always knew we could be friends.) Of course, Miley proved that after her math, she could stand to brush up on her geography, with her “California is not the most beautiful city in the world” comment.

Rumors Miley debunked in the nearly 10-minute video: She is not engaged (last I heard, she was single), she is not living with a significant other (why move out of your parents’ house when there are huge shoe closets?), and she did not get arrested for driving while on the cell phone. It’s nice knowing that Miley is a law-abiding citizen — other former teen stars have me really worried these days. Topics I wish Miley covered: Which teeth whitening system she uses.



fabricante de automóveis Ford acaba de lançar os primeiros detalhes e imagens do novo Ford Focus ST 2012, que será o desempenho da versão a próxima geração do Ford Focus. Este novo modelo deverá estrear em 2010 de Paris Auto Show, no final deste mês, juntamente com o resto da família Focus.

Mesmo que este portal quente está sendo revelado este ano não estarão disponíveis até 2012, mas a versão regular chegará showrooms no próximo ano.

O Ford Focus ST 2012 é alimentado por um novo 2.0-litro de quatro cilindros Ford, o motor EcoBoost, que desenvolve 250hp.

O fabricante diz que o novo Ford Focus ST 2012 irá oferecer um desempenho hilariante e tratamento, juntamente com um som viciante. A empresa também menciona que o novo Ford Focus ST 2012 é o seu primeiro modelo a ser desenvolvido no âmbito da nova estratégia global Performance Veículos.

Quanto ao design do Ford Focus ST 2012 vai, vai ter um novo pára-choques dianteiro com grelha de grandes dimensões, novas saias laterais e um spoiler traseiro teto.

O interior do Focus ST 2012 também foi redesenhado e agora traz bancos desportivo e que parece ser de fibra de carbono insere no painel.

A lista de preços de 2012 Ford Focus ST será anunciada numa data posterior.